Updated the silhouette !

Updated the silhouette !

Updated the silhouette !

We have updated the silhouette drawing in the virtual fitting service "Virtusize" to improve the intuitive fitting experience.

Please check the details below.

■ Release Date

January 30th 2025

■ Update Details

To provide a more realistic and intuitive fit, we have updated the silhouette drawing with the following points:

  • Changed to a body silhouette that achieves a more natural appearance
  • Smoothed the item silhouette for a drawing closer to the actual product
  • Updated body type options to offer a more personalized fit

We will continue to strive to improve our services so that more customers can enjoy comfortable online shopping through Virtusize.

Thank you for your continued support.

We have updated the silhouette drawing in the virtual fitting service "Virtusize" to improve the intuitive fitting experience.

Please check the details below.

■ Release Date

January 30th 2025

■ Update Details

To provide a more realistic and intuitive fit, we have updated the silhouette drawing with the following points:

  • Changed to a body silhouette that achieves a more natural appearance
  • Smoothed the item silhouette for a drawing closer to the actual product
  • Updated body type options to offer a more personalized fit

We will continue to strive to improve our services so that more customers can enjoy comfortable online shopping through Virtusize.

Thank you for your continued support.

We have updated the silhouette drawing in the virtual fitting service "Virtusize" to improve the intuitive fitting experience.

Please check the details below.

■ Release Date

January 30th 2025

■ Update Details

To provide a more realistic and intuitive fit, we have updated the silhouette drawing with the following points:

  • Changed to a body silhouette that achieves a more natural appearance
  • Smoothed the item silhouette for a drawing closer to the actual product
  • Updated body type options to offer a more personalized fit

We will continue to strive to improve our services so that more customers can enjoy comfortable online shopping through Virtusize.

Thank you for your continued support.

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【Virtusizeメンバーインタビュー】Vol.1 Head of Product 中村 智幸


バーチャル試着の「Virtusize」、日本生まれのタウンユース ダウンウェアブランド【YOSOOU(ヨソオウ)】へ提供開始


New Partner - HIRYU

Safari Lounge - The conversion rate (CVR) is about nine times higher when using Virtusize's comparison feature compared to when it is not used!

Online Shoe Fitting Service "Virtusize for Shoes" Adds "Sandals" Category

New Recommendation Service Based on Popular Items Now Available on the Top Page!

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[UNDER ARMOUR] Case study

온라인 시착 솔루션 "버처사이즈", 일본 전자상거래 사이트 HIRYU에 제공 시작

Safari Lounge - Virtusize 비교 기능을 사용할 때와 사용하지 않을 때의 CVR 차이는 약 9배에 달합니다!

온라인 신발 피팅 서비스 "Virtusize for Shoes", 대상 카테고리에 "샌들" 추가

인기 아이템을 기반으로 한 추천 서비스를 홈페이지에 표시할 수 있게 되었습니다!

Virtusize의 가상 피팅 솔루션, 오리지널 컷소 브랜드 【LIFiLL】에 제공 시작

온라인 시착 솔루션 "버처사이즈", 한국의 전자상거래 사이트 nugu에 제공 시작

Updated the silhouette !

We have updated the silhouette drawing in the virtual fitting service "Virtusize" to improve the intuitive fitting experience.

Please check the details below.

■ Release Date

January 30th 2025

■ Update Details

To provide a more realistic and intuitive fit, we have updated the silhouette drawing with the following points:

  • Changed to a body silhouette that achieves a more natural appearance
  • Smoothed the item silhouette for a drawing closer to the actual product
  • Updated body type options to offer a more personalized fit

We will continue to strive to improve our services so that more customers can enjoy comfortable online shopping through Virtusize.

Thank you for your continued support.

We have updated the silhouette drawing in the virtual fitting service "Virtusize" to improve the intuitive fitting experience.

Please check the details below.

■ Release Date

January 30th 2025

■ Update Details

To provide a more realistic and intuitive fit, we have updated the silhouette drawing with the following points:

  • Changed to a body silhouette that achieves a more natural appearance
  • Smoothed the item silhouette for a drawing closer to the actual product
  • Updated body type options to offer a more personalized fit

We will continue to strive to improve our services so that more customers can enjoy comfortable online shopping through Virtusize.

Thank you for your continued support.

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【Virtusizeメンバーインタビュー】Vol.1 Head of Product 中村 智幸


バーチャル試着の「Virtusize」、日本生まれのタウンユース ダウンウェアブランド【YOSOOU(ヨソオウ)】へ提供開始


